Accident at Work Lawyers | Work Injury Lawyer | Injury Claims at Work | Claims Specialists

Injury Claims at Work

Work injuries are common and can be caused by a wide range of factors, meaning that not every injury claims at work is eligible for a Work Injury Compensation Claim. Some of the most common work injuries are hand injuries, hernias, and back injuries. If you have suffered an injury at work, then you can claim financial compensation for damages such as physical injuries and loss of earnings. If you’ve been injured at work, then you have the right to make a claim for financial compensation, though you aren’t always guaranteed compensation.

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Can I Ask to Be Furloughed During COVID-19

The new Government Coronavirus Retention Scheme is now up and running. Ayesha Nayyar answers these common questions around the furlough scheme in this video.

The sun is shining and most of the country (or so it seems) is at home. You don’t want to go to work and want your employer to place you on the furlough scheme. You will take 80% of your salary in exchange for some down time. Can you insist on being furloughed?

The simple answer is, NO! You cannot insist your employer to furlough you. It is up to your employer to decide who should be subjected to furlough leave.

For More Read Click On The Link: Can I Ask To Be Furloughed

Divorce Reason | Are the Reasons for Divorce Made Public?

Considering divorce but worried your reasons for it will be made public? We explore what is and is not public when it comes to divorce.

When it comes to divorce, one of the most common questions we hear is “will the reasons for my divorce be made public?” This makes sense, as very few people want the details of why their marriage break down to become local gossip.

In fact, the fear of word getting out is often enough to keep unhappy marriages together far longer than they should be, resulting in lost time for both parties.

So, if you are considering divorce, it is important to know exactly what will be made public and what will not. Before we answer the question of what details will be made public, though, let us explore what details you have to give in the first place.

One of the anxieties of getting divorced is the idea that you are going to have to share pages and pages of details about the highs and lows of your marriage. What if these details are then available online or get left on a train by a Court official?

Well, the good news is this will not happen. Applying for divorce does not require you to describe every difficulty your marriage has encountered. Instead, you will only need to provide a few pertinent facts about whatever reasons you give for wanting a divorce.

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Travel Insurance During Covid-19

With the pandemic circling and haunting the entire globe, getting travel insurance should be on your priority list. The reason is that travelling during the pandemic has become the most affected amongst the entire service industry. That is why keep checking travel insurance policies from different companies should be your goal apart from keeping yourself safe. Here’s what you need to know:

What Has Happened?

With the pandemic pertaining, insurance companies that were covering travel insurances failed to cope with what was happening. From travel interruptions to cancellations, the travel insurance industry faced numerous threats all at once.

However, changes were made amid the pandemic from these companies. The solution was to offer cancellation claim coverage. Those who are expected to travel but couldn’t due to the pandemic are given cancellation coverage.

Apart from that, those who were travelling and contracted the disease during the travel are offered interruption benefit. This benefit will ensure monetary perks for the ones that were interrupted in their travel since they contracted the disease.

All these changes in the policies of the travel insurance companies occurred with the increasing rate of mortality, hospital costs, etc. Thus, in order to facilitate the travellers, travel insurance companies opted for this amendment.

What Travel Insurance Is Covering?

One of the perks of having travel insurance during the pandemic is that it is covering the entire route. From purchasing the ticket to reaching your destination, the entire trip gets covered under travel insurance.

The insurance intervenes when you’re deemed positive before or during the travel. If this happens before the trip, then you get cancellation benefits. If this happens during the trip, then you get trip interruption perks.

The amount of insurance coverage you get varies concerning the company you’re getting the insurance from. Again, the coverage will also depend upon the cases that the company is covering.

For example, if you’re travelling with your companion and have contracted the virus, the company will cover prepaid travel expenses and will offer reimbursement for your expenses for heading home.

Moreover, you’ll be getting lodging and stay expense coverage if you’re asked to stay quarantined when reaching your destination. Apart from that, you’ll also be getting flight delay claims that can occur if someone has contracted the virus on the flight that you were supposed to go on. Additional medical insurance covering the expenses for the year is another perk of getting travel insurance amid the pandemic.

What Should You Do?

Before getting any policy, you should communicate with your insurance provider to know what they’re offering. This will also elaborate on the policies and regulations that the company follows for offering insurance help. Knowing these before getting the insurance will surely help you get the proper coverage you need. Moreover, insurance companies also offer policies based on the travel history of the person. So if you travel a lot, getting travel insurance amid the pandemic would be the best option for you.

Also Read: How Long Does a CICA Claim Take to Complete? Nayyar Solicitors

Employment Law Solicitors Free Advice

We have experienced and qualified Employment Law Solicitors in Manchester. We handle dismissal & discrimination cases on behalf of both employers and employees.

Employment Law

A dispute with your employer can leave you feeling conflicted. Where one moment can make you feel isolated, and then both angry and betrayed the next. Your emotions should rightfully lead to action against your employer. Nayyars Solicitors can offer their expertise at a time where focus and knowing your rights remain paramount.

Those rights can include:

  • Discrimination
  • Unfair Dismissal
  • Redundancy
  • Family Rights

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Can a Wife Kick Her Husband Out of the House in the UK?

Your Rights If Your Partner Wants You to Move Out? My Husband Won’t Leave? How Do I Get My Husband to Leave?

What steps can a wife take to kick her husband out of the house? We share how to remove a spouse from your home without breaking the law. 

Every marriage goes through periods of strain. At best, these times can make you feel like you need some time alone and at worst, separation and divorce may seem like the only option. Regardless, in certain circumstances, a wife may feel like she wants to kick her husband out of the house. Whether you are the wife in this scenario or the husband, it’s important for all parties to know exactly what their legal rights are. With that in mind, we’re going to explore what you can and can’t do when it comes to kicking a spouse out of a home.

For More About Family Law:

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? Can a Divorce be Cheap?

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? Is getting a divorce expensive? Can a divorce be cheap?

When a marriage breaks down the next step is to apply for a divorce. How Much Does A Divorce Cost? Is getting a divorce expensive? Can a divorce be cheap? And how can you limit the costs?

The starting point is to confirm that there is no legal aid for divorce unless there has been domestic violence or child abduction. In most cases if you want to get divorced you will have pay the costs of it yourself. If you think you may be eligible for legal aid then we suggest you contact solicitors who offer a legal aid service. If you are not eligible for legal aid or wish to utilize the services of a solicitor to pay privately, give us a call.

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Protecting Your Business from the Risk of Lawsuit

Running a business successfully can be challenging and let you have some new experiences with the legal profession. Involving a lawyer or attorney in your business matters can be helpful. They can help you fulfil all the legal requirements of running a business. They are familiar with all rules, regulations, and laws of the region you are working in. They can even help you in formalizing tax returns etc. A commercial litigation lawyer may suit the best for business owners.

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How Long Does a CICA Claim Take to Complete? Nayyar Solicitors

Considering a CICA claim and wondering how long it takes? We explore the process from application to completion so you know what to expect.

When someone is the blameless victim of violent crime the impact can be devastating, both physically and psychologically. In these cases, you may feel like you have little support and while it may not undo the damage, compensation can go a long way to helping your recovery. For many victims, one of the best sources of compensation is the government-run Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). However, as with any government authority, the gears can move slowly and you may have concerns about how long a CICA claim takes to complete – particularly if you are keen to move past the event as quickly as possible. 

To understand how long a CICA claim takes to complete, you first have to appreciate what goes into one and what you can expect to come out of it. We looked at just this, so whether you are considering making a claim or midway through one, we can help. 

Fireworks Cause Personal Injury—What To Do

As luminously attractive fireworks may seem, they are extremely explosive and dangerous once they get out of control. The slightest mistake in the operation and arrangement of a firework show can put lives at risk of burning or getting injured otherwise. Bonfire nights, wedding celebration. Christmas parties, and New Year celebrations may call for a firework show, but accidents are inevitable. If you have recently sustained any personal firework injury due to the negligence of an organization or an individual, you have to right to claim compensation for your loss by consulting the best personal injury lawyers in Stockport.