How to Recognize PTSD After a Work Accident?

What is PTSD

PTSD refers to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder frequently occur as a consequence of occupational accidents. Most of the workers in the UK who encounter any accident at work in The UK themselves or witness any accident encountered by fellow workers, get stressed, depressed, or anxious. Post-accident stress is normal if it lasts for a small period. If the traumatic condition prevails for long, then it is not normal. PTSD not only affects you emotionally or mentally but physically as well. People experiencing PTSD suffers from anxiety, trauma, feels worthless and bad about everything, socially detached, and emotionally stressed. This condition results in loss of productivity, poor sleep, lack of concentration and focus as well. Most people suffer from PTSD without even knowing it, here are some signs letting you know if you are suffering from PTSD.

Common Symptoms of PTSD:

To recognize an illness is the first step towards treatment. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affects people both physically and mentally. The symptoms are sometimes so common that people confuse it with ordinary stress, anxiety, or depression. While PTSD affects an individual both physically and mentally we shall thereby look for both of the symptoms separately.

Emotional/Mental Symptoms of PTSD:

The most common emotional or mental symptoms of PTSD are listed below:

  1. flashbacks of the traumatic event
  2. being easily frightened or tense
  3. depression
  4. uneasiness
  5. emotional detachment
  6. irritability and anger
  7. self-destructive or violent behavior
  8. obsessive-compulsive behavior
  9. memory and concentration problems, and
  10. Nightmares.

Physical Symptoms of PTSD:

PTSD affects both your mental and physical health. Here are some key symptoms of your physical health indicating PTSD:

  1. headaches
  2. ulcers
  3. high blood pressure
  4. heart attacks
  5. vomiting
  6. diarrhea, or
  7. Fatigue.

How to Treat PTSD?

People suffering from PTSD might feel that they can never get back to normal life. However, this is false. They can get their normal life back since PTSD is completely curable. A short- or long-term therapy along with medicines can help them get well. PTSD therapy includes accidents may help improve symptoms of the disorder, help you learn how to deal with it, and restore your self-esteem.

PTSD therapies fall under cognitive behavior. It helps you change your mind. Helps erase the bad patches from your memory and overcome the disturbing patterns in your life. This might happen by talking about the incident and focus on areas that cause fear.

Advanced PTSD therapies include reminding you about the event. This would let you face the situation, confront it, and overcome the fear that causes a disturbance. This involves 10 to 15 sessions of almost 90 minutes each. The therapist will first work on treating your anxiety and stress. They will do this by talking to you, practicing breathing techniques, and help you learn defensive techniques.

This would allow you to understand a situation well and improve your abilities to confront your fears and face them. Such therapies include medications as well which help control stress and anxiety. This is the best treatment for PTSD so far and may help recover fast.

Where Do Traffic Accidents Takes Place The Most?

It may be difficult to predict the timing and the place of the car accident where it will occur. Still, there are specific places where car crashes happen to occur more frequently, including intersections, rural roads, parking lots, and stop signs.

Even though accidents in parking lots are not taken seriously, it is the most common place where car crashes happen. With so many cars in close quarters, lenient rules and regulations, and continuous pedestrian movement, car crashes happen to be very common. If the parking lot is not densely packed, some drivers might feel comfortable speeding or checking their phones.

Stop sign is another common place where car accidents occur. The driver fails to stop soon enough, perhaps due to poor reflexes or to ignore the warning or just failing to stop entirely, leading to, sometimes, terrible accidents.

Rural highways are another location where road accidents claim frequently occur as the traffic low at such places is low, which causes the driver to pay less attention and veer off the side of the road. Moreover, road maintenance in these areas is also inconsistent, which adds to accidents. The statistics of 2017 revealed that 46% of lethal car accidents occurred in rural areas.

One’s neighborhood also poses a significant threat to fatal accidents. It is ubiquitous for the driver’s brain to go on autopilot while driving back to home as one is familiar with the roads and signs and pedestrian flow. Also, driving in your neighborhood can cause you to depend and pay more attention to muscle memory rather than active driving techniques. One may even let their guards down and feel safe to check a text message, receive a phone call, change the radio channel, or switch the song. A study revealed that 77% of car accidents occur within 15metres of the diameter of the driver’s home.

Two-lane roads offer the driver to drive in only one lane in each direction. When the driver tries to overtake or stray into the other lane, it can also lead to a serious accident that may not be fatal; however, it can cause serious injuries.

Approximately 15% of car accidents also take place at intersections. Such accidents are not complicated but can cause serious injuries, including hearing impairment, broken shoulders, and head trauma. Accidents that take place at crossroads are categorized as T-bone crashes.

Also Read: How Do You Prove an Injury Is Work Related?

Rush hour traffic is a general site of accidents, especially for natal drivers caused by rear-ending, which results from tired, exhausted, and long driving, especially for those drivers who drive early in the morning or late at night.

Other car accident occurrences may also happen at overcrowded sites or places teeming with cars and people when the traffic stops abruptly. The driver has to stop suddenly and fails to apply the brakes appropriately, resulting in a collision.

As surprising as it may be, significant and fatal car accidents do not occur at significant highways. Still, on small roads, the driver needs to be attentive and stay alert until the last second to avoid major, minor accidents. If anything is to happen to any drivers they should immediately contact the road traffic accident claims company to compensate for their losses.

A Guide for Sufferers of Medical Negligence

Receiving substandard care from your medical professionals can be quite unfortunate and disappointing. You might be thinking of filing for a compensation claim against the medical faculty that caused you a serious injury or any other loss. Medical negligence can be of many types and you may not know the process and details of filing compensation for an accident claim for medical negligence. You may be a bit intimidated because of the legal procedures and complications. However, it is not that difficult once you have got all the basic information regarding the process. This detailed guide is especially to help the sufferers of medical negligence so that they can get the compensation they deserve.

Knowing The Time Limits

The most important thing to file a compensation claim is the realization that you have suffered an injury or consequent reaction due to the negligence of the medical staff. You have a period of 3 years after the realization that you have suffered in the hands of negligence. If you fail to realize or the effects are visible after 3years, your time limit for filing the claim can extend depending on the criticality of your condition.

Hiring A Solicitor

As soon as you are aware of what has happened to you due to the negligence of the medical staff, the next thing is looking for the best medical negligence solicitors UK. Hiring a professional solicitor on time can save you from a lot of hassle and loss. He will know better about the paperwork, procedures, and the involvement of court hearings in your case. He will also guide you about what possibly can go wrong and how to manage any critical situation if the medical facility denies the charges.

The Need for Evidence

The next thing is to keep all the evidence safe. You will need all the documents and bills to make your case stronger in the courtroom. Your solicitor will ask you about the following documents:

  1. Your medical bills and record
  2. A statement from a witness
  3. An expert report stating that your injury is due to medical negligence
  4. Witness evidence from any medics present at the time of your treatment

How to Make the Claim?

Once you have hired a solicitor and he has got all the details and evidence related to your case, you can rest assured of things to go smooth. After reviewing your case, the solicitor will then write to the medical staff or the organization. The notice will include all the allegations proven by the evidence. It will also tell the medical facility for the amount of compensation the patient deserves to get. The responsible party will have 4 months to respond to the notice. If they fail to do so, your solicitor can easily issue a court charge against them that will make your compensation proceeding easier.

The Time It Can Take

The timespan of a medical negligence claim cases can extend up to 2 years. However, by hiring the right law attorney and taking the right steps, you can get the claim within 12 months.

Also Read: Is There A Time Limit For Claiming Health And Safety Compensation?

How Long After An Accident Can You Sue A Hospital?

On the whole National, Health services are reputed healthcare which is generally good and most of the people don’t have to face any problems or experience any difficulties but occasionally some things can go out of line. We need to understand to pay the dues whenever they are expected. However, the process of making a claim can be very stressful and expensive because in this process you have to go over the whole thing over and over again which happened to you which can be very disturbing and traumatic for the person who has been through it.

When we are considering for claiming any action, we must know that it only accounts for compensation no legal authorities have the right to question any hospital facility or their practicing health work they are not legally authorized to change their way of working and simply they cannot ask healthcare to apologize for any dismay or loss.

Who Can Claim and What Do I Need to Prove to Make a Claim?

You can make a claim for different reasons but on the same hand, your reasons should be verified so that any legal action can be taken afterward. You can claim that particular health care if the standard of the service of your treatment was below average and you could’ve been treated much better with more care and attention from the doctors with increased facilities.

Similarly, if you are the next closest blood relative to any person who died recently because of negligence in health care you can take legal actions upon them by contacting the authorities as they cannot take any legal action because of their absence or any disability.

To receive any kind of compensation you must first need to show that” breach of duty care” i.e. the health practitioner, must have acted in a way that fell short of the minimum acceptable professional standards and “causation” i.e. the harm or suffered loss must be shown both has taken place

When We Should Sue a Hospital?

Generally speaking, we should always claim at medical negligence claim in the UK about anything if we have proper proofs and that thing has caused us some serious damage that needs to be fixed right away. In the case of general hospitals, the patients can always sue hospitals or any other clinical organization for ill-treatment that may affect their health. All the patients can claim their losses but it should not be on a false basis and the patient has to have full records of the treatment and neglect offered by the medical professionals working at the hospital. These neglections can often lead to huge damages even affecting the whole life of the patient so in this case, the patient should always go for claiming their loss.

If due to the negligence offered to you at the hospital you have not been able to go to work and you are stuck at home then you can also claim financial losses along with proofs so the company is bound to pay all your losses just because of their mistreatment towards the patient.


There is a specific limitation period prescribed for such cases in which the subject is bound to submit a compensation claim within three periods of the negligence that happened in any particular organization otherwise the claim would not be accepted. Any person who falls short on that requirement such as any teenager who is below 18 or those who have lost their mental capability are not subjected to this rule of law or order.

Letter of Claim:

If you do not have any sort of legal representation and you are planning to represent yourself as an opponent then you must follow these steps and issue a claiming letter to the hospital who was responsible for your care.

This should include:

  1. Your name and address
  2. Date of birth
  3. National Insurance Number
  4. Confirmation of where treatment was taken
  5. Dates of the treatment
  6. Information about the involved clinical staff

Before making any claim, we need to follow the natural complaints procedure to find out what happened this may help you in making a much more definitive and informed decision.

Must Read: How Solicitors Can Help You to Claim the Personal Injury

What Are the Top 5 Health Risks in Construction?

Mishaps happen. Whether it is just a slip or car accident or any other you can think of. Although you can’t control it at least you should take preventive measures so that it decreases the chance of an accident. Injuries at work are very common especially at the construction sites where there are numerous risks. Below are some of the health risks you should be careful of.

Construction of the buildings requires workers to work at great heights. Falling from heights is one of the major health risks. Fatalities and wounds are reported every year. That’s why it is very essential to provide training to the laborers in order to avoid this type of mishap.

Secondly, moving heavy objects can cause strains in your body. Sometimes, those heavy objects can fall onto the person as well. Make sure your owner provides you with advanced machinery and protective gear to cope up with these risks.

The use of noisy machinery can lead to long term hearing problems. Chances of becoming completely deaf are also there. That’s why employees need to be very careful and they should use noise cancellation gears for their ears.

Hand-arm vibration disorder is an excruciating and crippling modern illness of the veins, nerves, and joints, set off by the delayed utilization of vibratory force instruments and ground working gear. This modern malady is much of the time referred to in compensation cases opened by ex-development laborers who worked for quite a long time with inappropriate gears.

During construction, a lot of dust is formed. A frequently undetectable, fine, harmful blend of unsafe materials and filaments that can harm the lungs, prompting maladies, for example, ceaseless obstructive pneumonic, asthma and silicosis. This is one of the most common health risks for a worker. It is a duty for every employer to implement safety procedures for the safety of their employees.

Wrapping it up!

Luckily, you can claim for heavy compensation if you experience an injury at work. Depending upon the intensity of your wounds, you can get a heavy compensation if you win your case in the court. Mostly, people don’t know about the compensation claims. As a result, they have to deal with the loss all by themselves whether it is financial issues or health. If you have faced such circumstances, then you must file a case and demand for your compensation. Although, good health is one of the major blessings and money can’t compensate it but still it can be useful for the patient. Immediately hire a lawyer. You can find many lawyers in the UK. Make sure you opt for the best one. As the whole case will depend upon his skills and competency. If you hire an unexperienced lawyer, then you surely will lose the case and you will not get any compensation. That’s why it is important to choose well experienced and skillful lawyers. You can search online for accident at work claim lawyers as well.

How Do You Prove an Injury Is Work Related?

Wounds are a part of your life. Regardless of whether you are a child, teenager or grown-up, everybody has encountered injuries throughout their life. Be that as it may, for certain wounds you can demand for a compensation. For instance, in the event that you are working in as a full time employee in some organization and you face a physical issue at work then employee eligible for a compensation claim. The cash you get as a pay relies upon numerous variables like seriousness of a physical issue or the kind of injury you experienced. However, you need to demonstrate it first that injury you encountered is work related. If you are unable to provide strong evidences, at that point your case will be dismissed and no remuneration will be given. So the question is how to prove a work related injury. Here are some significant tips that will help you how to demonstrate work related injury.

How do you prove an injury is work related?

As there are numerous workers in an organization, you should find a colleague that can become an eye witness in your case. However, it is extremely difficult as laborers are hesitant to conflict with their supervisors in light of the fact that the administrators can terminate them immediately. So an employee is usually reluctant to help you. On the off chance that you manage to show a witness, at that point you can have a solid edge over your opposition party.

Surveillance cameras are normally introduced on the premises for security purposes. Supervisors likewise use these cameras to keep an eye on their employees. In work injury case, you can utilize those recordings as a proof as well.

Another aspect which is considered as the most significant one is a doctor’s statement. As specialists are the ones treating your wounds, they can without much of a stretch tell whether your physical issue is work related or not. Aside from specialist’s proclamation, keep the record of your prescriptions and medical treatment procedures as they can likewise help you in your case.

At times your supervisor can help you for your case. Written statement from your administrators can assist you with demonstrating a physical issue is work related. By then your case gets completely clear and your odds for winning the case turns out to be more.


Normally people don’t have a complete information on compensation claims, that’s why it is advisable to hire an experienced lawyer that can help you in injury at work compensation claim. With the help of experience, skills and technical knowledge, a lawyer can easily win the case for you. As a result, you can get your compensation. But keep in mind the lawyers are very expensive in the UK. Although you can find affordable ones too, but it can be possible that their success history is not so good or they are not much experienced. So be careful when hiring the lawyer for your case.